
栏目:11年级(G11) 发布时间:2021-04-01

Beloved is a 1987 novel by the American writer Toni Morrison. Set after the American Civil War, it tells the story of a family of former slaves whose Cincinnati home is haunted by a malevolent spirit. Beloved is inspired by a true-life incident involving Margaret Garner, an escaped slave from Kentucky who fled to the free state of Ohio in 1856, but was captured in accordance with the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. When U.S. Marshals burst into the cabin where Garner and her husband had barricaded themselves, they found that she had killed her two-year-old daughter and was attempting to kill her other children to spare them from being returned to slavery.

《心爱的人》是美国作家托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)于1987年创作的小说。故事发生在美国内战之后,讲述了一个前奴隶家庭的故事,他们在辛辛那提的家中被恶毒的灵魂所困扰。心爱的人受到玛格丽特·加纳(Margaret Garner)的真实生活事件的启发,玛格丽特·加纳是逃离肯塔基州的一名逃脱奴隶,他于1856年逃到俄亥俄州,但根据1850年《逃亡奴隶法》被俘。并且她的丈夫设置了路障,他们发现她杀死了她两岁的女儿,并试图杀死其他孩子,以免他们重返奴隶制。

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