The Mill on the Floss

栏目:10年级(G10) 发布时间:2021-04-01

The Mill on the Floss is a novel by Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot), first published in three volumes in 1860 by William Blackwood. The first American edition was published by Harper & Brothers, Publishers, New York. Spanning a period of 10 to 15 years, the novel details the lives of Tom and Maggie Tulliver, siblings who grow up at Dorlcote Mill on the River Floss. The mill is situated at the junction of the River Floss and the more minor River Ripple, near the village of St Ogg's in Lincolnshire, England. Both the river and the village are fictional.

《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》是玛丽·安·埃文斯(Mary Ann Evans)(乔治·艾略特)的小说,由威廉·布莱克伍德于1860年首次出版三卷。第一版美国版由纽约出版商哈珀兄弟公司出版。这部小说历时10到15年,详述了汤姆和玛吉的生活。该磨坊位于弗洛斯河和较小的瑞波河(Ripple)的交界处,靠近英格兰林肯郡的圣奥格村。河流和乡村都是虚构的。

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